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Blog  BY Staff  |  31 July 2020

Benefits of Home Cooking

In this day and age, we are surround by ready to eat meals, take away’s or cafés every few steps. So why would we you even consider cooking at home for yourself or the family? Home cook meals come with many benefits that don’t focus purely on the food itself.

Cooking your own food helps you keep a closer eye on what is going into all your meals. It allows you to control the ingredients, where they come from, how fresh they are, seasonal produce and overall, you and your families health.

Here are just a few more benefits from home cooking:

  • It brings the family together. Cooking can help everyone feel more united, helping each other prepare a meal and also can help with mental health by providing social outlets and distractions. By eating together and preparing food together, it creates a sense of belonging, can improve communication with children and relationship building skills.
  • Advancing your cooking skills. By learning new recipes and new ways of cooking, you can learn knife skills, baking skills, dough making skills and so much more. Trying recipes you’ve always wanted to or even preparing a weekly menu will help not only plan your meals but also look into new creative recipes and weekly cuisine choices.
  • You can choose healthier options and be more aware of what is going into your food. You can control your nutrition and quality of food by buying it and preparing it yourself. Also, by cooking at home it gives you more time to look into choosing healthier recipes and potentially make small changes for yourself and the family to leading healthier lives. Especially with children, as they mimic any behaviours in the home and these details can create their future choices in relation to health and being self-aware.
  • Control your spend on food. By planning your meals and cooking from home, you become a lot more aware of how much you spend on food and how you can save or even buy more effectively. Just simply by not eating out as much or buying prepackage foods allows you to spend your money better on fresh food and food where you know every ingredient. You can map out meals with similar ingredients to be more budget friendly or utilise leftovers more economically.
  • Less food waste helps the environment and also finding new places to shop that have a sense of community. Going to farmers markets or pop up markets helps create a sense of community and supports local produce and farmers. Also, you are able to buy food that hasn’t had to travel far and allows you to buy more seasonal as well.

Cooking at home allows you to focus on you and your families health, by catering each meal to nutritional needs or allergies. It allows you to make sure your meeting the daily food group requirements and overall it can bring a lot of joy to you and your family. Creating a sense of worth to mealtimes and the meals that have been prepared by a love one.